What is Phase I for?
What does Phase I mean to you as a holder
It’s a novel take on the reveal process of traditional NFT blind box for you to upgrade your blind box and secure Rarity pre-reveal.
Post-minting, you will receive your NFT in the form of a mysterious vOO Mask that can be staked into Club House and upgrade it every 12
hours. The appearance of the blind box will change as you unlock a higher rarity tier.
Once you choose to participate in Phase I (upgrading your vOO Mask to at least Level 1), you will ONLY receive rarity tier according to its level, so we encourage you to use up all your level-up opportunities and never unstake.
If you stake your vOO Mask from day 1, you should have 9 Level-up Actions in total.
Think of it as an insurance, if you choose to upgrade your vOO Mask in Phase I, you’ll have the certainty of reveling higher rarity when you reveal it, not to mention the membership benefits afterwards. If you don’t participate in Phase I, you’ll just have a regular blind box revealing experience like any other project (boring~).
There is no penalties for a failed level-up, your only cost is a Level-up Action and some gas (basically nothing coz it's SOLANA), so there is basically no penalties for a failed level-up.
Reaching a higher-level means securing higher rarity tier for your NFT when you reveal at the end of Phase I.
Levels and their corresponding rarity tier is shown in the table below
Let's go random!
Rarity 1
Rarity 1
Rarity 1
Rarity 2
Rarity 2
Rarity 3
Rarity 4
Rarity 5
All vOO Masks start at Level 0
For example, at the end of Phase I, when a holder reveals a Lvl.7 vOO Mask, the smart contract will randomly choose a Rarity 4 NFT and assign to the holder.
But when a holder reveals a Lvl. 0 vOO Mask, the holder will have the opportunity to get a random Rarity tier, meaning it could be Rarity 1-5, even handmade. But the probability of getting higher rarity NFT is lower than those who fully participate in Phase I and use all of their level-up actions. So please plan your strategy according!
Each time you level up, you have the option to use a Reference Letter to boost the success rate by 30%
. Reference Letter can ONLY be obtained through participating in community events before or through the duration of Phase I, or from secondary market such as ME.
Last updated